Aineistot 1-10 / 12
Adventures of Ludom: a Videogame Geneontology
(Turun yliopisto, 2015-05-08)
Within the last few decades, the videogame has become an important media, economic, and cultural phenomenon. Along with the phenomenon’s proliferation the aspects that constitute its identity have become more and more ...
Rhetoric of Death and Generic Addressing of Viewers in American Living Dead Films
(Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B 332Turun yliopisto, 2011-05-28)
Disconnect.Me. User Engagement and Facebook
(Turun yliopisto, 2014-03-28)
In the beginning of its 10th year of existence Facebook has engaged and connected 1.2 billion monthly active users. This article-based dissertation Disconnect.Me – User Engagement and Facebook approaches this engagement ...
Players Unleashed! Modding The Sims and the Culture of Gaming
(Turun yliopisto, 2009-05-23)
Secular Possession: Cinematic Iconography of Addiction
(Turun yliopisto, 2016-05-28)
Addiction, and the experience of being addicted, is notoriously difficult to describe verbally and explain rationally. Would multifaceted and multisensory cinematic images work better in making addiction understandable? ...
Porn and norms : pornography and normative notions of gender, love, sex, and relationships in the sexual narratives of Finns on their adolescent experiences
(Turun yliopisto, 2019-11-30)
This dissertation uses an interdisciplinary approach to focus on 10–17-year-old Finns' engagement with and thoughts of pornography. The emotional debates – both public and academic – concerning the consumption of pornography ...
Affective Power of Social Media - Engagements with Networked Parenting Culture
(Turun yliopisto, 2021-11-12)
Social media have changed the ways in which we connect and experience the world around us. The article dissertation explores the affective, ambiguous power of social media parenting culture in contemporary ...
The Feeling body in the media: affective engagements with body positive media
(Turun yliopisto, 2022-12-09)
In contemporary neo-liberal cultures, fat and larger-than-normative bodies are often viewed as bodies in need of change. Due to constant pressure to transform, there is limited space available for the larger-than-normative ...
Vastarintaa, ikäleikkiä ja aktivistimummoja. Vanhenemisen kotimaiset mediakuvastot
(Turun yliopisto, 2023-03-04)
Väestön ikääntymisen myötä vanhenemiseen liittyvät kulttuuriset käsitykset ja tulkinnat ovat murrostilassa. Media on yksi keskeinen areena, jossa ikääntymiseen liittyvää kulttuurista mielikuvitusta tuotetaan, arkipäiväisiä ...
Intimate Happenings. Uses of porn and other sexual media in Turkey
(Turun yliopisto, 2024-11-22)
Studies on porn audiences and the uses of porn in non-Western contexts remain limited to this day. Embarking to address this theoretical gap, this article-based dissertation studies the uses of porn and other sexual media ...