Aineistot 1-10 / 199
Access Control Process for a SaaS Provider
Access control is a process of limiting access to systems and services. It is a way by which the users are granted access and privileges to information and resources of an organization. The process involves controlling, ...
Research of Motion Classification Based on EMG Signals Pattern Recognition
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-02-14)
Electromyogram (EMG) signal is generated by muscle contraction, and surface electromyography signal (sEMG) is recorded by surface electrodes with comfortableness and no trauma, which has been applied in various fields, ...
HL7 integration to support laboratory referrals in Uranus and Pegasos cases
Health sector is in constant need of getting information about their patient. Especially when they create laboratory referrals for them. In Finland we have two major applications dedicated to the health sector, especially ...
Web application penetration testing routine
Modern web applications provide people a vast amount of services and complex function-ality. More and more daily services are digitized. Digitalization is constantly accelerating.This means that the pressure for quality ...
Evaluating the Benefits of Gamification both in Business Environment and for Business Purposes
Gamification is a current hot topic of industry and business. It is seen as a way to improve menial tasks, customer interaction, employee engagement, and many other subjects. Even though gamification is marketed as an ...
Management of Technical Debt for Reformation of Legacy Software Systems
Technical Debt (TD) metaphor is a way to contextualize unrefined code in a software
and how that ”debt” can have interest attached to it. This interest reflects the possibility
of increase of more problems if the debt ...
Datankeruu sekä -prosessointi kasvihuoneautomaatiojärjestelmässä
Teollisuuden ja teknologian kehitys kuluvalla vuosituhannella on saanut aikaan uuden neljänneksi teollisuuden vallankumoukseksi kutsutun ilmiön, joka on mahdollistanut myös automaatiojärjestelmien yleistymisen useissa ...
Simulation and Optimization of Micro-Nano Satellite Communication System for Wide-Area Internet of Things
Constructing a space-based Internet of Things (IoT) as a supplement and extension of the ground Internet of Things can effectively overcome the problem of the mismatch between the service capability and the demand and ...
Photon counting principle in cathodic-electrochemiluminescence
The cathodic-electrochemiluminescence is the procedure where the electrical excitation is provided through the cathode electrode to a chemical solution, which produces luminescence. As the cathodic-electrochemiluminescence ...
Euroopan unionin yleinen tietosuoja-asetus ja sen soveltaminen yrityksissä
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-09-24)
Lähes kaikki yritykset, yhdistykset, organisaatiot ja muut yhteisöt käsittelevät henkilötietoja toimintansa ylläpitämiseksi. Henkilötiedot voivat olla esimerkiksi asiakkaan, toimittajan, potilaan tai työntekijän. Henkilötietojen ...