Aineistot 1-10 / 663
Impact of enzymatic treatment on the flavour-active compounds in lingonberry juice
Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) is a wild, abundant, easy to pick, and highly nutritious uncultivated berry. Lingonberries are usually consumed as such, or as juices, jams, and purees. Enzymatic treatment is traditionally ...
Access Control Process for a SaaS Provider
Access control is a process of limiting access to systems and services. It is a way by which the users are granted access and privileges to information and resources of an organization. The process involves controlling, ...
Immunokomplekseja sitovien vasta-aineiden tunnistaminen sekvenssianalyysillä
Uuden polven sekvensointimenetelmät ovat kehittyneet viimevuosina nopeasti. Sekvensointilaitteiden kehittymisen myötä menetelmät ovat muuttuneet yhä luotettavammiksi, joustavimmiksi ja edullisimmiksi. Tämä on mahdollistanut ...
Research of Motion Classification Based on EMG Signals Pattern Recognition
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-02-14)
Electromyogram (EMG) signal is generated by muscle contraction, and surface electromyography signal (sEMG) is recorded by surface electrodes with comfortableness and no trauma, which has been applied in various fields, ...
Determination of vitamin K from fermented foods
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-04-25)
A quick and sensitive analysis method was developed for the analysis of vitamin K compounds, including phylloquinone (PK) and menaquinones (MK-n). The method utilizes ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem ...
Flavonols and flavonol glycosides in 21 black currant varieties
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-04-10)
Flavonols are polyphenols from the class of flavonoids compounds known for their antioxidant, anti-cancerous and anti-inflammatory activities. Black currants belong to family Grossulariaceae having botanical name of Ribes ...
Monianalyyttimäärityksen kehittäminen narkolepsiapotilaiden vasta-aineiden tutkimiseksi influenssaviruksen NS1-proteiinia vastaan
Narkolepsia on syyltään tuntematon unihäiriö, johon liittyy poikkeava päiväaikainen väsymys ja katapleksia. Vuonna 2010 narkolepsian esiintyvyyden havaittiin kasvaneen A(H1N1)pdm09-viruksen aiheuttaman influenssapandemian ...
HL7 integration to support laboratory referrals in Uranus and Pegasos cases
Health sector is in constant need of getting information about their patient. Especially when they create laboratory referrals for them. In Finland we have two major applications dedicated to the health sector, especially ...
Processing of sea buckthorn juice with malolactic fermentation
Health benefits of Nordic berries have been widely reported. Sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides) berries contain versatile combination of chemical compounds having health promoting features such water-soluble vitamins (C, ...
Effect of temperature on flavor compounds and sensory characteristics of Maillard Reaction Products derived from mushroom hydrolysate
(Turun yliopisto, 2018-07-10)
Maillard reaction products (MRPs) were prepared from mushroom hydrolysate (MH) by heating with D-xylose and L-cysteine at various temperatures (100 °C–140 °C) for 2 h at a pH of 7.4. The sensory characteristics of MH and ...